Forfatter Emne: info på motor i 106 xsi 1,4 (1994)  (Læst 1303 gange)


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info på motor i 106 xsi 1,4 (1994)
« Dato: 21. April 2007, 13:33 »
Hej da jeg er ved at starte et projekt op hvor jeg skifter motorstyring ud med megasquirt har jeg nogen spørgsmål, godt nok på engelsk, men håber i kan hjælpe lidt... vil gerne have mere info end det hvis det kan lade sig gøre. jeg har prøvet at søge på nettet men det er mildelst talt ikke særlig nemt. jeg har ikke lige set alt efter så det kan være i tænker jeg er total dum i låget men bær over med mig. jeg har mellem det engelske skrevet dansk hvor jeg er i tvivl om jeg har skrevet de rigtige svar:

1. What year/make/model/engine/tranny? (Pretend your at the parts store,
ordering a starter.) If this isn't the original engine/electronics let
me know that too.

Peugeot 106 Xsi 1994 TU3J2 Engine, 5 speed manual gearbox

der står godt nok tu3mc/z på motoren så det jeg har skrevet er vel forkert?

2. Are you looking to control fuel only, ignition only, or fuel and


3. What are the engine details (type, number of cylinders, previously
fuel injected or carb'd?)

tu3mc/z Straight-4, 4 Cylinders, Injected (single point)

jeg har ikke set om der er en eller flere dyser men mener det kun er 1

4. What type of ignition system does your car run- where is the crank
angle sensor (CAS) or distributor trigger wheel and what type is it
(Optical/LED Sensor? Hall Sensor? VR Sensor?)

5. How many teeth/windows/slots and what orientation does the CAS, crank
trigger, and/or distributor wheel have? (any missing? all evenly spaced?)

6. Is there a distributor? Single/Multiple Coils? Coil on Plug?

7. Does this engine have a fast idle valve? If so, how many wires are
connected to it? Do you know if it is an on/off, pulse width modulated,
thermal, or stepper type?

8. Rate yourself 1-5 on technical confidence in yourself. 1 being "I
can't paint by numbers" and 5 being "I can probably build a car from
scratch if I have the right documentation, and I'm resourceful enough to do some research and find some of my own answers." I need to know this as some of the 'less traveled' roads will require you to make
modifications that in some cases I haven't performed myself yet and
based on this response it will help me to know whether this type of
solution is for you or not. I challenge you to 'stretch yourself' a
little bit. You won't ever learn anything (about yourself and your
abilities) if you don't try to do things that you're not quite sure you
can do... and then find that you can.


9. Are you looking to build your own ECU from a kit or buy a
pre-assembled ECU?

pre-assembled ECU

10. Are you open to retrofitting a different ignition system such as the
Ford EDIS distributorless system if it is determined that the MegaSquirt will not properly (or easily) control your factory ignition system? Many factory systems MegaSquirt can simply take control of, some it cannot. EDIS to the rescue! It's cheap, simple and works great!


hvis der er nogen som ved hvor man kan få mere at vide om motoren ville det være kanon...

mvh bo

ps hvis i er interesseret kan jeg godt skrive mere om hva jeg vil gøre ved bilen